Our mobility management activities will build coordination among transportation stakeholders, human service providers and private/public transportation providers in the tri-county area (Calumet, Outagamie, Winnebago). Through provision of the integrating activities, the availability of transportation options for adults with disabilities and older adults will increase. This increase in transportation options will allow adults with disabilities to live independently and to stay connected to their communities. A special focus will be placed on increasing capacity in rural areas in order to better connect rural riders to programs and services.

Make The Ride Happen will work to increase use and awareness of public transit by adults and individuals with disabilities through the use of Individual Travel Training. MRH staff provides support and training and will facilitate and/or enhance travel training in the areas served by Go Transit (Oshkosh) and Valley Transit (Fox Cities). MRH Staff and a volunteer bus buddy will work one-on-one with someone, helping them to use public transportation to meet their needs. Scheduling is flexible and is arranged between rider and trainer.