Fixed Route Services — GO Transit buses operate Monday through Saturday, cost $1.50, and are wheelchair accessible.
Paratransit (Riders with Disabilities) — GO Transit offers paratransit service to individuals with disabilities within the City of Oshkosh, and are wheelchair accessible.
Senior Transportation — GO Transit offers a half-fare ($0.75) program to all citizens 60 years and older using the bus. Any bus rides to and from a senior’s residence to the Oshkosh Seniors Center are free with a card provided by the Oshkosh Seniors Center. GO Transit also provides dial-a-ride taxi service for seniors. This service should only be used when GO Transit buses are not available for your trip. In order to qualify for this service, seniors must be age 60 or older and obtain an identification card (brown card) from the Oshkosh Seniors Center.
Rural Transportation — Rural over 60 program provides sedan service to seniors (age 60 and over) in rural Winnebago County. Each participant is limited to 10 one-way rides per month. The cost is $7. Rural under 60 program provides sedan and lift-equipped van service to rural residents with a qualifying disability in Winnebago County. Each participant is limited to 10 one-way rides per month. The cost is $7.
Access to Jobs (ATJ) — ATJ is a demand response cab ride for the purpose of going to and from work only.* It is intended to assist low-income individuals with transportation needs related to employment. You must live and work within the city limits of Oshkosh. The cost is $4.